Student project covering: UX & Accessibility, SEO & UX Writing, UI & Design.
I attended further education at Brobygrafiska & Qlok where we covered: UX & Accessibility, SEO & UX Writing, UI & Design. The course included both theoretical and practical parts. We conducted user tests and compiled data to work from. The education concluded with a final project where we worked with all the parts we had learned.
I chose to work with the online pharmacy Meds. The course took place during the Christmas campaign, and besides very cluttered graphics, I found the site difficult to navigate. I found it interesting to choose a service that has long been state-owned in Sweden – pharmacies. State-owned services have higher demands when it comes to accessibility adjustments, so it was interesting to compare a new pharmacy, Meds, with Apoteket, which was state-owned for a long time.
Full case coming soon!

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