Together we empower girls all over the world to believe in themselves!
200 young women from 31 countries created the Pamoja Girls Books — an international force for sparking daily discussions among girls worldwide. Today, our books are in the hands of women leaders, empowering girls globally, every day – Pamoja Girls. See brand here.
Three out of the 200 women are us! Together with my industry colleagues Emma Enblom & Hilda Englund , we designed the format for workshops aimed at empowering young girls worldwide. The outcome resulted in two books: one serving as a guide for the workshop leader, containing more text, while the other book incorporates color, shape, and inspiring illustrations. Each girl receives one of these.
Each chapter is color-coded, both in the Leader's and The girls' book. This is to ensure everyone can easily follow along and to maintain a cohesive theme throughout the workshop. Given that the topics can sometimes be heavy or challenging, the style is light-hearted, inviting, and warm. Hilda, who developed the illustration style, aimed to convey an organic and soft feeling, with the characters being more like figures than people. Their legs are disproportionately long, their feet large, and they lack full faces. This allows more individuals to identify with the figures, perhaps even envisioning themselves in the scene.
The books are now available in 17 countries and serve as conversation starters to enlighten and educate.
Layout / Graphic Design / Illustration